Q.: Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?
A.: Yes! He is using them to clean up after the "spiritual food" has been digested. Isn't that Charmin?
any elder has never asked me that question so far but i want to be prepared to answer that question if any of them ask me that question in the future.
i hope that they will never ask me that question.
any suggestions on how to answer that question would be very much appreciated.
Q.: Do you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization today?
A.: Yes! He is using them to clean up after the "spiritual food" has been digested. Isn't that Charmin?
friday 16, december 2016. abc news: malcolm lee, 56, has been sentenced to three years, nine months jail for the attack on the woman, 80, at her home near lakes entrance in march.
during a home massage, organised as a gift by the victim's daughter, lee touched, kissed and digitally raped the woman.
he claimed he believed at the time it was consensual and she was enjoying it.
From the opening post: "During a home massage, organised as a gift by the victim's daughter, Lee touched, kissed and digitally raped the woman. He claimed he believed at the time it was consensual..."
I guess they're not just window-washers anymore!
...and "consensual" VERY "heavy petting" is OK now among JWs? The blessings of the spiritual paradise are HERE, NOW! Halelujah Jalapeno!
As for the question, "How the hell do they keep their erection?"
The charge was digital rape, which means he penetrated her with his finger(s). A high-class Gent, no doubt!
i am agnostic.
i will count how many agnostics, atheists and christians that are reading this forum regularly.
please answer my question.
I'm an atheist, and I can spell the word properly too.
"Athi, athier, athiest"
i was born in four gen, been d.f.d.
for about eight years now.
my father had always been a true company man, although more times than i can count, he's always been floppy.
Don't let strangers on an Internet discussion forums like Black Sheep or me tell you what to do.
YOU know the facts of your life and your reasons better than any stranger.
Or not.
with the intention of spending less time working and more time in f.s i saw this many times.
an ex c.o started a carpet cleaning business with the charter being spending less time working more time in f.s.
he has long since passed away and the company is now huge being the major player in flood resteration and employing 100's of people one of the owners i spoke to recently was sick due to using to many chemicals but carries on becouse he loves the money even though he's worth millions.
Q.: How many times did you see a JW start a business?
A.: Not often. I knew one fellow who owned a butcher shop and the 3 story building it was in with rental apartments on the 2nd and 3rd floor. He also owned the single-family home that he lived in with his wife and five kids. I don't know his financial details, but I would guess he was doing pretty well.
He went into business and bought his home before he became a JW.
When "Armageddon Fever" went around prior to 1975, he sold the business and the 3 story building so he could pioneer while this evil system came down.
After a few years he had to go back to work - at a meatpacking plant (a BIG step down in job satisfaction and the loss of being his own boss, which he was fully capable of) - so he could provide for his family.
Eventually he sold his home and relocated to a less expensive area of the country.
I think he was a good example of an intelligent man who was misled by clowns who didn't know half of what he did about business or success. but that's just MY opinion, he probably thinks the Jehovah sock-puppet was well pleased by his loyalty.
is there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
"I'm sure there are some. The question is who?"
Well, there's me, and there's you, but I'm not so sure about you.
It would be a bit easier if there was a true God; one who wasn't schizophrenic and imaginary.
on december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
"...He said he couldn't say anymore."
I have no god and no master. If only all XJWs could say the same.
on december 12, 2015 this statement was made by the copyright holder:.
i am presently considering three different routes to publishing crisis of conscience.
i hope to make a decision within days and plan to publish within weeks.. it has now been 50 weeks since that statement.. has the book been published yet?
Xelder and WingCommander have identified themselves as members of the freeloading parasite class.
Who else wants to step up and hurl criticism at me for putting my money where my enthusiasm lies and peeling off a few bills to help republish a book the XJW community said was "essential"?
Now I'm being called a "sucker" and the lawless throng of XJWs are saying "Copyright be damned! Piracy rules! Information wants to be free!"
Knock yourselves out, jerks.
i may have missed this, but can anyone tell me what was the pretext the gb concocted to justify their abandonment of a perfectly suitable, high-profile, high-visibility complex in what is arguably the world's greatest metropolis for the bucolic isolation of upstate new york.
any how does the move square with their purported belief in the imminence of armageddon?
This may sound stupid (and of course it is) but it comes down to apocalypse-seeking:
Matthew 24:15-16 (ASV) --
"15 When therefore ye see the abomination of desolation, which was [a]spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in [b]the holy place (let him that readeth understand), 16 then let them that are in Judaea flee unto the mountains: "
just a heads up, since the last update the like / dislike votes sometimes don't display immediately due to caching.
they are all definitely counted though and will appear eventually, the issue is purely with the display part.
i'll look at fixing the cache so it's more immediate..
The post I made just seconds ago displays "in an hour" in the upper right corner of the message box. It's wacky.